讲座题目: 树形结构和边界区分的人类行为决策:尝试扩展到粒度计算(GRC)
讲座人:西交利物浦大学教授 Sanghyuk Lee
Research on human behavior has been focused for the health care and security viewpoints. With direct methodology, time series recognition faced with challenge of time synchronization and on real time problem. So we do propose with hierarchical algorithm and Wavelet Transformation. For the purpose of getting reliable human data, we consider eight body locations: head, upper middle back, lower left back, lower right back, hands, and feet. By comparison with motion types and sensor location, we do make relationship between them with feature characterization. Locations with high weights are used to hierarchically divide motions. Further research would be focus on GrC to complement the research. As a vague data processing methodology, GrC provide meaningful support to complete human detection with real time application.
讲座人:西交利物浦大学教授 Sanghyuk Lee简介